- Location
- Plymouth County, Massachusetts
- Categories
- Restaurants & Food
- Seller Financing
- Not Available
- Gross Revenue
- $2,077,748
- FF&E
- $300,000
- Owner Earnings
- $441,865
- Number of Employees
- 22
- Franchise
- Yes
- In Business Since
- 2013
- Formation date
- Jun 2013
- Is the property owned or leased?
- N/A
- Is this business that you wish to sell one location or a franchise?
- A Franchise
Business Description
This business features a collection of food service franchises from Focus Brands. The business has grown steadily by adding brands and locations with annual sales projected to exceed $2M. Today the business spans two shopping malls and features three shops carrying four distinct brands. Long-tenured, capable management is in place to ensure a smooth transition and continue the business’s growth.
Reason for Sale