- Location
- Louisiana
- Categories
- Financial Service
- Seller Financing
- Not Available
- Is the property owned or leased?
- N/A
- Is this business that you wish to sell one location or a franchise?
- A Franchise
Business Description
This is a new start up franchise business opprotunity for sale in Baton Rouge and other Louisiana markets. Listo Tax Solutions is your complete resource for confidential, accurate, efficient and affordable tax, accounting, payroll and translation services. At Listo Tax Solutions you will find that they respect your privacy in all services that they provide.A Listo Tax Solutions™ business center offers tax preparation and other business services to the general public, but with a niche focus on the Hispanic community in the area where the franchise is located. The other business services that a Listo Tax Solutions™ business center offers its clients include accounting, payroll and translation services.