- Location
- Louisiana
- Categories
- Beauty & Personal Care
- Seller Financing
- Not Available
- Is the property owned or leased?
- N/A
- Is this business that you wish to sell one location or a franchise?
- A Franchise
Business Description
This is a new start up franchise business opprotunity for sale. For more than 20 years, Cost Cutters has pioneered the lucrative value-salon sector – making Cost Cutters an extremely strong brand and a household name. By providing this desirable service and marketing to busy, value-conscious families and men, Cost Cutters has grown dramatically over the years. Considering this growth, along with its convenient strip center locations, it’s not surprising that Cost Cutters has established a very loyal customer base. Research shows that one-third of Cost Cutters’ customers visit salons an average of seven times each year and has returned to Cost Cutters for five or more years.